Call for Submission 2025

National HIP 2025 Highlights
Best Practice Medals
In keeping with the increasing focus and interest in healthcare environmental
sustainability and population health, applications that have demonstrated
measurable impact in these system levels will be taken into favourable
considerations for NHIP 2025 Best Practice Medals.
If the project has demonstrated system level impact as well, it is strongly encouraged to indicate in the application, along with relevant description for the selection committee to note.
Healthcare Environmental Sustainability impact - where projects should display outstanding effort and impact in ensuring environmental sustainability while maintaining the healthcare safety, quality and efficiency at the ecosystem level.
Population Health Impact - where projects should display great impact on population health such as life expectancy, health equity, and/cost per capita in the general population and community at the system level.
Best Adopter Medals
Best Adopter Medals award category is back for the 3rd time with expanded
criteria of recognising Teams that have adopted past Nationally or Internationally awarded solution(s) outside of their institutions and
have demonstrated positive impact through improved efficiency, productivity,
and sustainability.
There will be up to three Best Adopter Medals with awards of S$1,000 each.
Solution(s) adopted may be modified from the originator, to suit the needs of institutions
Seed Funding Grant for Winning Teams
A seed fund of S$50,000 will be awarded to each eligible* winning team
for a 12-month period to develop and implement new innovative projects.
The seed fund aims to incentivise the winning teams to ride on the momentum of innovation.
* Eligibility for Seed Fund: Only winning teams (of any of the 4 winning categories above) from MOH/MOHH entities or those who will embark on new innovation projects in collaboration with MOH/MOHH entities (otherwise, subject to MOH's approval).
Award Timeline

If you have any queries, please contact the National HIP Secretariat at